Seven Top Treatment Modalities for Cancer

Today, treatment modalities for cancer have advanced and are more numerous. Therefore, you can consider various therapies for treating cancer and recovery. This helps you stay on a more positive track and enables you to have more latitude when it comes to making progress.

A top cancer hospital in Thailand can provide both holistic programs of care as well as traditional options. The following therapies are often used to prevent cancer, reduce risk, or attack the disease.

  1. Surgical Intervention

This basic treatment method is standard for removing cancer. Usually, surgery is recommended during the first phase because the disease has not spread and therefore is isolated to one area.

  1. Radiation Therapy

Doctors use radiation to annihilate cancer cells for various cancers. A new method of radiation therapy used today is called Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy or IMRT. This advanced technique uses computer technology to direct radiation in precise doses to a certain area of the body. By using this method, the side effects of radiation are reduced.

If traditional radiation therapy is used, patients may experience the following:

  • Skin problems including peeling, blistering, itching, or dryness, depending on the part of the body receiving the treatment. Sometimes doctors need to change the course of treatment if the damage becomes severe.
  • Sometimes combining radiation therapy and chemotherapy intensifies the tiredness.
  • Side effects that return, also called late effects. For instance, sometimes a second cancer may develop from the original radiation cancer treatment. However, this effect is usually rare.

Other side effects may depend on the location and type of radiation therapy. For instance, if traditional radiation therapy is directed at the head or neck, the person may have problems with swallowing, stiffness in the jaw area, sores on the gums or mouth, or dry mouth.

  1. Chemotherapy

This traditional treatment uses anti-cancer medication(s). The therapy may be given to work through the patient’s body or may be facilitated before surgery. For instance, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is designed to shrink a cancer growth until it can more easily be surgically removed.

  1. Hormone Therapy

This therapy adds or decreases bodily hormones to slow down cancer growth. This type of cancer therapy is used to treat breast cancer, thyroid cancer, or cancer of the prostate.

  1. Target Therapy

Also known as molecular targeted therapy, this form of cancer therapy in Thailand prevents the growth of cancer cells by interference. This interference allows doctors to stop molecules that cancer cells require for continued growth and survival. Before this treatment proceeds, the doctor sends the patient’s blood or tissue for molecular tests of the target.

  1. Immunotherapy

An innovative cancer therapy, this type of treatment increases the patient’s immunity to fight or eliminate the cancer cells. This is done through T-cell engineering or cancer vaccines. Monoclonal antibodies may also be used to encourage the T-cell to fight the cancer.

  1. Bone Marrow Transplants and Stem Cell Transplants

When transplant methods are used, the substances can either be isolated or extracted from a donor. Currently, stem cell transplants are only used to treat a few cancers in Thailand, including multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and leukemia.

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